Professional pedagogues . . .
" It would be a pleasure to have the pedagogy students take a look at these to use in their own teaching.
I know what hard work and careful thought you have put into creating these excellent materials.
I think they are a valuable asset for teaching beginning piano students--an asset that should not be overlooked! . . .
every piano teacher should try out (Piano ABC's) in teaching beginning level piano students. "
Dr. Pat Brady Piano and Composition, James Madison University
" This looks like so much fun, I wish I could start piano lessons all over. "
Dr. Ed Gates Piano, University of Oklahoma
" Beverly has written an original and beautifully sequenced method that is innovative and student friendly. The student is eased into the sophisticated language of musical notation through already well understood . . . concepts . . . "
Dr. James Lyke Professor Emeritus, School of Music, University of Illinois
" Piano ABC's is a truly innovative, wonderfully illustrated instructional method. The appealing compositions and lucid concepts are well-sequenced and beautifully intertwined. Beverly Joy has given piano teachers a great gift. "
Barbara Lister-Sink Producer, Freeing the Caged Bird DVD
" Writing a sequenced piano method takes incredible talent and devotion. Piano ABC's is an original and innovative method that provides solid, essential concepts that are the fundamental building blocks that will enable students to make piano and music making an integral part of their lives forever. Beverly Joy has offered teachers a wonderful pedagogical approach that students will enjoy and teachers will regard as a valuable addition to their pedagogical arsenal. "
Gail Berenson Professor of Piano, Ohio University, Athens
Teachers . . .
Near Ames, Iowa ..." Beverly, what can I say? I love teaching your new method! "
Amherst, Virginia ..." The parents called and wanted to know if I would be using 'that new method (Piano ABC's) that your other students are using' before they signed up their child for lessons. "
Richmond, Virginia ..." Piano ABC's is making me a better teacher. "
Winston-Salem, North Carolina ..." The parents were so pleased and impressed by her third lesson that they video-taped her playing 'On a Sunday Afternoon Stroll' and e-mailed it to all their relatives. "
Students . . .
An adult student ..." When I took lessons for a few months as a child, you learned where to put your fingers and then soon you stopped reading the notes, you just knew which finger to push. Now, I am really learning to read notes. "
From a Salem College student ..." I took some piano lessons when I was a child, but I never realized that reading notes was so easy, this is so logical. "
An eight-year-old boy (upon seeing the first page of Level Two, with sparkling eyes and the joy of discovery) . . ." Oh, is this how it works?! "
Then with no prompting from the teacher, he played all the old familiar notes and all the new notes with an ever-increasing smile and everbrightening eyes all the way.
A curly-haired blonde six-year-old while reading notes on her new piece looked up with a sneaky grin, " Are we going to learn E next? "
She had it figured out!